Tuesday, March 4, 2008

High Five!

Look at that amazingly radiant face- it is the face of my sweetest, my nearly five year old girl...

And as I type this pre-birthday post in honor of Hannah and the celebration of her journey into this world almost five years ago, I think back to where I was at this moment five years ago. My closest guess is that Shad and I would have just called the hospital and would be walking out the door of our house as a family of two for the last time. Less than 3 1/2 hours from now I will mark the moment that this precious child was placed in my arms for the first time.

I hope to start a tradition with this first-ever birthday interview (idea gratefully borrowed from Lucia at http://bagelsandcrawfish.blogspot.com/2008/02/five.html ). Here goes:

J: What are you going to do when you are 5?

H: Go to the park, start kindergarten, and learn how to ride my bike without training wheels!
J: What is your favorite food?
H: Ice cream (especially hot fudge sundaes) and cheeseburgers.

J: What is your least favorite food?

H: Ranch dressing.

J: What do you want to be when you grow-up?

H: A scientist.

J: Any particular kind of scientist?

H: Just a scientist.

J: Who is the funniest person you know?

H: Sarah

J: Who is the smartest person you know?

H: Amy M.

J: What do you worry about?

H: I don't worry.

J: What's your favorite thing to play with right now?

H: Lily Rose (doll mentioned in previous post)

J: What do you like most about school?

H: Motor room (this is like inside playtime with scooters, a play structure, swing, big "motor" movement), table time (structured activities), and recess when it is not freezing outside.

J: If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you go?

H: To China- to eat potstickers and get lots of pretty clothes.

J: Anything you want to add?

H: I love summer!!

And, in honor of the girl, I will not editorialize this interview. Just the facts, no mommy opinions here!
I love you Hannah-Boo. Thanks for making me a mom, your mom. xoxo


Unknown said...

Yay hooray for Hannah! Mom is right, you are like a sunny day in the winter.....you light everything up wherever you go. I hope your birthday is super super fine.

Amy, Ryan, Aidan and Lauren said...

Oh, that was the cutest ever. I'm quite honored to be the smartest person Hannah knows. Did she like her gift from us?