Thursday, March 13, 2008

Just a few photos...

Here are a couple of pictures from Hannah's 5th birthday celebration-

Hannah can barely contain her excitement as Katie helps open a gift. This is the mostly dye-free funfetti cake that I decorated for the family party.

Apparently blowing out 5 candles (Yes, I got the right number on her cake- way to go Mom!) is pretty challenging- it took several tries but she finally did it! Yay!

The fairy-licious cake we bought from Dairy Queen (can you say Chocolate Covered Strawberry Blizzard Ice Cream Cake? Probably not without taking a deep breath and practicing a few times, eh? Anyway, if you know me well you also know it was the OBVIOUS choice, and one Hannah supported 100%.) came complete with this wholly unnatural blue frosting on top (our choice, we needed a pond-like setting for our fairy to sit in) which turned the girls' tongues blue and was thoroughly enjoyed by all. That was a REALLY long sentence! ;)

And finally, I've been remiss with goat pictures and, thankfully, it is NOT snowing here right now- just grey and rainy. These are from the big snowfall January. Billy and Babs (above) were not particularly excited about said snow and Buddy and Bonney (below) didn't even know if they want to come outside!

1 comment:

Amy, Ryan, Aidan and Lauren said...

Ooh, that cake looks yummy! Hannah is so pretty!