Friday, February 29, 2008

1 Year Later

We're celebrating this week! On Tuesday Shad marked the 1st anniversary of his "can-sell" date or, as he likes to say, the day they "turned me loose on the world." *~*WAY TO GO BABE!!*~*
He has been working at Jones since October of 2006 but officially became a Financial Advisor on 2/26/07. He earned his new office in August 2007 and moved in mid-October.

Shad, obviously, spends a lot of time at his office and the rest of us are there a fair amount of time as well. We're part of the remodel team, cleaning crew, decorating consultants (and contributors as the girls provide him with a steady stream of artwork), and, at times, wrecking crew. I've been meaning since October to get a picture of Shad at his office but, for some reason, I'm never there with the camera when he is dressed for success. I actually have a lot of pictures of him in remodel garb but yesterday I made a point of getting down there WITH the camera to get official anniversary pictures of him. Here they are:

If you squint, you can even read his name on the door! (I'm still figuring out all this photo-editing stuff and am currently taking the position that just getting the pictures on the blog is the most important thing!)

"How can I help you realize your financial goals?" He looks pretty official, doesn't he?

We are currently in the process of getting some family photos for Shad's rather sparsely decorated walls. And let me tell you, it IS a process (although I'm not going into details)! ;)

Shad, I know I speak for everyone when I say that we are SO proud of you. You stepped off the edge and you are FLYING! You are making it happen every day and I am continually impressed by your strength, courage, tenacity, and optimism. I am so blessed to have you as my best-friend, husband, and partner on this amazing journey! Thank you.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yeah, Shad! I am so proud of you and of your girls for all the support they have given. I love you all. Mom (aka Oma)