Sunday, December 14, 2008

Happy Birthday! (OR Out of the frying pan...)

That's 6 people, in case you were counting! We celebrated Hannah's birthday this past weekend with a rainbow party, at her request. We began with some rainbow t-shirt painting, played musical rainbow (our version of musical chairs) and pin the cloud on the rainbow. Above, Hannah poses with the rainbow she painted for the pin-the-cloud game.
Party girls with rainbow necklaces. (Not leis!) Hannah was excited to celebrate with some of her bffs and new friends from down the street.

We finished with hot fudge sundae style rainbow brownies. Yum! I don't know where the girl gets her taste in dessert! ;)
Shad came home at the end of the party with a surprise of his own (for ALL of us). Introducing Louie...
A young goldendoodle (golden retriever poodle mix), Louie has made some fast friends here. He's a real sweetheart!

1 comment:

Amy, Ryan, Aidan and Lauren said...

OK, I have now seen the dog and will stop bugging you about it. He is VERY cute and sweet! I like Hannah's cake a lot! Love ya!