In late February we enjoyed a week at the beach with Oma, Auntie Audrey and Uncle Dave. We were in Brookings this year (yay for shorter drives!) and the weather was mostly cooperative. We got down to the beach and in the hot tub almost daily (sometimes twice a day!), had a fun visit with Dave's daughter and grandson Derek who is Hannah's age. The girls had a great time having Mom, Oma, Auntie Audrey and Uncle Dave at their beck and call and Shad even drove over for a night and was there on Easter morning.
Here's a shot of Sarah holding Hannah up on a piece of driftwood. ;)
I was lucky to snap this shot of three of my most favorite things on our drive home! :)
The weather here has been absolutely wacky this month. (Yes, I know, we live in Oregon, what do I expect??) These photos were taken earlier this month while Hannah and Sarah were playing outside in the hose. That was mere days before the snow and hail. Yes, snow. It was less than two weeks ago that a nearby mountain pass was closed because 16" of snow fell one evening, two days after 90 degree temps!!!
And this last one shows the girls after we planted our little circle garden (tomatoes, strawberries, pumpkins, cukes, radishes, carrots, herbs) the Sunday after the 90 degree day. Just days before the snow. We were a little excited, I guess, that spring was actually here (not!).
Needless to say we replanted some of those plants this weekend (sadly we lost some, even with Shad's commitment to covering the garden on those frosty nights!).
We're looking forward to summer! Out of school, visits with friends, picking berries, playing in the hose (and the new found hobby of mud-pie making), swimming, a possible visit with long distance cousins... if we can survive the heat, the next few months will be most enjoyable. And then kindergarten... but we're not thinking about that yet. (haha)